There's a lot of background to these web pages, which I'll try to cover in a few lines. Maybe we'll come back to some of it in more detail later on if it seems important.
For the benefit of anyone who's wandered in and doesn't know us; Stella had been teaching for over two decades, most recently as deputy head and part time head teacher of Trowbridge Junior School. Richard had just completed twenty years continuous service in various roles with Environment Agency Wales. Both of us felt in need of a break and a change. Scooby had been alternately chasing squirrels and snoring for over a decade and was quite happy to carry on like that, but he was out-voted.
Looked at one way, a lifetime is too long to do something you're not enjoying. Looked at another way, life's too short to do something you're not enjoying. Either way, when Stella's school was closed and she was offered voluntary redundancy, it seemed a unique opportunity to make a break for it.
With Stella's cheque and the contents of our piggy-banks, we bought a used van and took it to Shire Conversions in Yorkshire, who transformed it into a luxury escape pod. We rented out the house, redirected our mail, and so the adventure began.